King Porter Stomp, an ever-expanding band from Brighton
offer a seemingly ever-changing mixture of Ska, Dub and Hip-hop. Bringing a new
look and interesting take on these genres, King Porter Stomp show here the
sheer range of styles and grooves that they can use. From the Dance-y Ska
number of the title track “The Shuffle”, to the sophisticated, laid back groove
of “Let it all Out”, to the Latin-edged raver that is “The Last Bat Train to
The opening number “The Shuffle” shows off a little bit of
everything the whole album has to offer, mixing a heavy, funky beat with
Ska-based horn lines and a rapid-fire, machine-gun lyrical style. The track keeps building and dropping
throughout, retaining interest and bringing the track to a point where it all
has to break down to a heavily danceable groove.
This shows exactly how the rest of the album continues,
complete with a barrage of funky riffs, dirty grooves, and an aware, relevant
and critical lyrical style. The way in which the album is ordered shows awareness
for the styles, offering a mix of upbeat anthems and chilled out tracks.
King Porter Stomp have only been growing in the last year,
both in terms of band members and in audience size, and should only continue to
do so. With regular packed out gigs and large festival performances which go
from strength to strength, spreading the word of this brand of good time music
to an international audience.