A far cry from the heady days of performing to sold out
stadium audiences, Jeff Scott Soto nevertheless played an energetic and
high-octane gig in Camden’s Underworld nightclub in support of his 2012 solo
release, Damage Control.
The self-proclaimed “Soto-palooza” package of bands with
which Jeff Scott Soto has a direct connection began with Greek glam-metallers
Danger Angel who’s loud and proud brand of metal began the night with a high
energy set. Soto had contributed backing vocals to Death Angel’s most recent
album, Revolutia,
and it was definitely possible to hear the similarities in the musical styles
of the groups, a similarity which continued right through the whole event. Death
Angel’s music melded melodious vocal lines with cranked up guitar riffs,
blistering guitar solos and a keytarist who’s synth harmonies added an extra
layer to the band’s sound, as well as allowing for an extra body to be running
around the stage at all times.

Second on for the night was a trio fronted by Soto’s own
guitarist Jorge Salán. The guitar work for which the band was really the
vehicle was stunning, with Salán firing of solo after insane solo with flair
and showmanship, whilst allowing the remaining sections of the songs to
birthday only a few days before.
ement the very showy solo playing which featured so heavily. Impressively,
Salán was able to keep up a strong vocal performance whilst still playing
complex guitar lines. The band was full of old-fashioned rock and roll spirit,
and ended with a rousing rendition of the Gary Moore Celtic
rock classic ‘Over
The Hills and Far Away’, as it would have been the late, great guitarist’s 61

The main attraction of the night was, of course Jeff Scott
Soto himself. Fronting his multinational band, JSS delivered a stunning
performance in what he described as a “homecoming gig” in a “second home.” The
set consisted mostly of tracks off his latest solo release,
Damage Control, from 2012, (my review of which can be read
here) but also
featured tracks from earlier in his career. Moving about the stage almost
constantly, JSS was able to engage with his audience a lot better than would be
possible in a bigger venue, giving this sold out gig a more intimate feel. The
only moment that the gig really slowed down was for the brief period that Soto
played keyboards on a mellower track. In a moment of spontaneity, the ‘compulsory’
vocal back and forth was interrupted by a fantastic bass solo from the last
minute stand in replacement bassist David Z, who’s single-handed rendition of
Billie Jean brought a funkier element to the whole event, followed by a
stunning cover of Ozzy Osbourne’s classic ‘Shot in the Dark’. After an epic set which went on for the best
part of 2 hours, and coming against the noise curfew in Underworld, Soto
introduced his friend, Nathan James (made famous on the ITV show ‘Superstar’),
fresh of a tour with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, which Soto also sings for,
in order to duet on ‘Stand Up and Shout’ from the soundtrack to the 2001 film ‘Rock
Star’, for which Jeff Scott Soto had recorded all of the vocals for the fictitious
metal band Steel Dragon. Finally, the riotous set closed with an a cappella
verse of Steel Panther’s sleaze-metal track ‘Community Property.’ The whole
night was electric, boding well for Soto’s set at Hard Rock Hell AOR later in
the week.
(all photos by Nick Webb)