Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Dorje- Primordial Audio Chronicle Review

Dorje was formed in early 2012 as a project of Youtube based “guitar guru” Rob Chapman. Dorje, is a word that comes from Tibetan spiritualism, meaning “thunderbolt of enlightenment.” I’m unsure of the enlightenment part at this stage, but listening through to the two tracks that make up Primordial Audio Chronicle Volume 1 there are definitely more than a few lightning bolts. The musicianship evident on this recording is incredible- there are reasons why these men are getting so much recognition from their armies of online fans!

The first track, “Aeromancy” well and truly stamps Dorje into a brand of epic, technical Rock all of its own. With an atmospheric little introduction which then hammers straight into a powerful riff, the song is relentless in its attack. Taking influences from just about any Rock/Metal subgenre that you can care to imagine: Heavy riffs, atmospheric instrumental breaks, a shredding solo and a vocal track that sounds like it has been beamed through space from another dimension.
“Too Weak”, the other track on this short EP is another rocker. Although this time there’s a lot more groove to the song. The slap and pop of the bass line a lot more prominent here. Again with an amazing sounding, technical, yet tasteful solo- which is surprisingly rare from bands so stuffed full with technical ability as Dorje evidently is. The groove changes seamlessly and effortlessly between the different sections, making this song flow and ebb throughout.
This group have literally exploded since forming, making use of the extensive experience in New Media and online resources that the members have acquired. As a model of how using mediums like youtube can give great success, Dorje is the perfect model. The concept of collaboration between the band and their fans being a big part of the way Dorje work means that the upcoming video will heavily feature their fans. 
Overall, the biggest problem with the EP is that it is far too short. These two tracks give a very good idea of what the group is capable of, but it’s little more than a tantalising flavour of the essence of their sound. But the songs are solid, upbeat and real, rocking tunes.


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